Ectopic Pregnancy الحمل خارج الرحم An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches itself in a place other than inside the uterus. Almost all ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube and are thus sometimes called tubal pregnancies. The fallopian tubes are not designed to hold a growing embryo; thus, the fertilized egg in a tubal pregnancy cannot develop properly and must be treated. An ectopic pregnancy happens in 1 out of 50 pregnancies . الحمل خارج الرحم يحدث عندما تلتصق البويضة المخصبة في مكان أخر خارج الرحم. تحدث معظم حالات الحمل خارج الرحم في قناة فالوب. قناة فالوب غير مصممة لحمل جنين ينمو. لذا البويضة المخصبة في الحمل خارج الرحم لا تستطيع النمو بطريقة سليمة ويجب أن تعالج. يحدث الحمل خارج الرحم بمعدل 1 من كل 50حالة. Symptoms الأعراض ...
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Uric Acid levels increase because of different reasons, To find out which reason caused you high level, you need to review your physician to get the proper medication. Uric acid is produced from the natural breakdown of your body's cells and from the foods you eat. it dissolves in the blood and moves through the kidneys where it is then passing out of the body via urine. When the kidneys do not get rid of the uric acid like they should, or there is too much uric acid in the body due to high-purine foods, the uric acid in the body starts to crystallize. High levels of uric acid in the blood can cause solid crystals to form within joints. This will lead to a painful condition called gout High uric acid levels lead to serious health issues, including: · Heart Disease · Kidney Stones · Kidney Failure · ...
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What is ENT? Ear, nose and throat doctors, often called ENT doctors, specialize in problems around your head and neck. An ENT specialist can help patients with things like allergy issues, trouble swallowing, hearing loss and suspicious lumps in the face or neck. ؟ ENT ما هو طبيب الأنف والأذن والحنجرة, وهو متخصص في المشاكل في الرأس والرقبة. طبيب الأنف ولأذن والحنجرة يساعد المريض في أشياء مثل الحساسية, صعوبة البلع, فقدان السمع, والتكتلات المحيرة في الوجه والرقبة. Patients who suffer from ear problems are often referred to the ENT specialist when they visit their physicians. An area which is as sensitive as the ear requires someone who is highly specialized in the field to be able to treat it. Common ear problems include infections, nerve disorders, hearing conditions and balance issues. المرضي اللذين يعانون من مشاكل في الأذن غالبا ما يحولون إلي طبيب الأنف والأذن بواسطة طبيبهم العام. منطقة حساسة مثل الأذن تتطلب طبيب متخصص في هذا المجال ليستطيع معالج...
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Root Canal A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected. Root canal treatment (RCT) and endodontic treatment are the more correct terms for a procedure that treats the nerve of the tooth. When the pulp is diseased or injured and cannot repair itself, it dies. The most common cause of pulp death is a cracked tooth or a deep cavity. Both of these problems can let bacteria enter the pulp, causing an infection inside the tooth. Left without treatment, pus builds up at the root tip in the jawbone forming a "pus-pocket" called an abscess. An abscess can cause damage to the bone around the teeth. When the infected pulp is not removed, pain and swelling can result Treatment: Your dentist will take an x-ray to determine the extent of the infection. The first step in the actual procedure is a local anesthetic to numb the area and prevent teeth pain during...